The world has never seen a heat wave quite like China's 70-day streak
The world has never seen a heat wave quite like China's 70-day streak
The event has affected well over 100 million people, and further disrupted global supply chains.


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11 hours ago - Energy & EnvironmentChina's unequalled 70-day warmth wave

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The intense heat and drought that has been roasting a huge swath of southern China for at least 70 straight days has no parallel in modern file-preserving in China, or somewhere else around the sector for that matter.

Why it topics: Based on current studies, the question going through weather scientists is how an awful lot weather alternate contributed to this disaster.

The large photo: More than 260 climate stations saw their highest-ever temperatures at some stage in the lengthy-running warmth wave, steady with country media opinions.

By the numbers: More all-time warmth statistics fell Sunday, specifically in Sichuan province.

Threat stage: This heat wave has additionally set information for its geographic reach, with nearly 530,000 rectangular miles interior China seeing excessive temperatures exceed 104°F (40°C).

What they’re pronouncing: "I can not think about something comparable to China's warmness wave of summer season 2022 in its combination of depth, duration, geographic volume and wide style of human beings affected,” meteorologist Bob Henson, a contributor to Yale Climate Connections, advised Axios.

The backside line: The human and financial tolls from this event are extreme and will become clearer with time. For one, the drought and extreme heat are similarly slowing China's economic increase.

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